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CrossFit Moncton


December 2, 2013

Strict Month

Welcome to strict month…pull-ups, dips, handstand pushups, toes to bar…all strict. Now, before you all send out a lynch mob for my head, let me explain. I want you to get better. And that means doing things different than what you've been doing. We'll be showing you new ways to get stronger for lots of different moves. We hope you like what this month has to offer. It's going to be a good change.Here's a break down of pull-ups:1) Ring Rows - get as horizontal as possible, with arms extended and touching your chest at the top. 2) Jumping Pullups - use your legs as much or as little as you need.3) Negatives - Jump your chin over the bar, slowly lower yourself down. Which one should you do? All of them. Strength - 1RM CleansEMOTM for 20 minEven - 3 Strict HSPU (6 HR Pushups)Odd - 3 Squat Cleans (80% of today's max)[caption id="attachment_12639" align="alignnone" width="300"]

Great to see members from other gyms come by on the weekend!

Great to see members from other gyms come by on the weekend![/caption]

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