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Kevin Wood


November 8, 2024

Why Two People with the Same Height, Weight, and BMI Can Look Completely Different

Ever wonder how two people who are the same height, weight, and even BMI can look so different? It all comes down to body composition—the ratio of lean muscle to body fat. And it’s the reason why relying solely on a traditional scale or BMI calculator can be misleading.

The Truth About BMI

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a simple calculation based on height and weight. While it can provide a rough idea of whether you fall into a “normal” or “overweight” category, it doesn’t tell the whole story. For example, two people who are both 5’8” and 200 pounds will have the same BMI, but if one has 20% body fat and the other has 35%, their bodies will look and perform very differently.

Why Body Composition Matters

Your body composition reveals the percentage of your body that’s muscle versus fat. Higher muscle mass often means better strength, metabolism, and overall health, even if your BMI labels you as “overweight.” This is why athletes and those who train regularly often appear leaner and healthier than their BMI suggests.

How the InBody Machine Makes a Difference

A traditional scale only tells you how much you weigh, without distinguishing between muscle, fat, or water weight. This is where an InBody scan comes in. Unlike a basic scale, the InBody machine provides a detailed breakdown of your body composition, showing muscle mass, body fat percentage, and even segmental muscle distribution. With this information, you can get a true picture of your fitness and set better, more personalized goals.

Why It Matters for You

Understanding your body composition helps you track progress more accurately. You might not see the scale budge much if you’re replacing fat with muscle, but an InBody scan can reveal that you’re still moving in the right direction.

Don’t let the scale define your success. Get a deeper look at your body’s makeup and set goals that match your body’s unique needs. The journey to health and fitness is more than just a number—it’s what’s inside that counts.

CLICK HERE to book an InBody scan.

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