Last workout of the year. Farewell 2020, don't let the door hit you on the way out. 31 reps of Box jump 24/20″ [January]29 reps of Deadlift at 95/65# [February]31 reps of Burpee [March]30 reps of Lunges [April]31 reps of Push press at 95/65# [May]30 reps of RKBS (50/35#) [June]31 reps of Power clean at 95/65# [July]31 reps of Sit-up [August]30 reps of Back squat at 95/65# [September]31 reps of HR Push-up [October]30 reps of Double under [November]31 reps of Thruster at 95/65# [December]Compare to Dec.31/19Neilson