If you're in need of a break from your humdrum life and could benefit from a evening of laughs in a live theatre setting, why not check out the upcoming HAIRY TEASE PRODUCTIONS' comedy, THE KITCHEN WITCHES, playing at theatre l'EScaouette Nov.21-24. Tickets are $18.50 and can be easily purchased by phone at 855-0001 or from the box office on 170 Botsford St. Other locations are Jean Coutu, 1789 Mtn. Rd. or Read's Newsstand, Riverview. This very funny show by Caroline Smith won the 2005 Samuel French Best New Canadian Play Award and stars Jane Messervier, Lynne Post, Travis Ferris and myself. Hope you can make it out and we look forward to seeing you.Skills - Wall Climbs and SDHPAMRAP in 10 min6 HSPU6 Box Jumps (30/24")12 SDHP (53/35#)