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CrossFit Moncton


July 26, 2010

Long and hard

Eva is a workout that tests you. It tests your physical capacity, as you can see by the amount of work that needs to be done. But it also tests your mind. How are you going to break it up? Are you going to save your energy on the run? Are you going to try to do all the kettlebell swings unbroken? If so, will that kill your grip for the pullups? Will you feel like giving up after the first round?I'm sure we'll see many different strategies today.And be prepared to scale. Five rounds of this would take some people over 75 minutes!"Eva"Five rounds for time of:Run 800 meters30 Kettlebell swings30 Pull-ups[caption id="attachment_3392" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="A familiar face "]


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