WOD - 75 L-pullups (Most will need to scale this. There will be no kipping allowed, so if that means going back to a band, so be it.)*** I'd like to thank all of you that have responded to the survey that was emailed to you. I have received 30 replies so far, so if you haven't filled it in yet, please do so by Friday.The feedback I have received will definitely help at the gym. For instance, we already have more 45# bars as some people requested.Some commented on the warm-up and how it's routine and boring. A warm-up IS a routine, however, there are ways to spruce it up. I will go over examples for each movement.Overhead Squat - dowel, with weight, facing wallGood Morning - dowel, weightPullups - over/underhand, wide/narrow grip, kip, strict, rings, bent knee, L-pullup, weightedDips - paralettes, feet raised, ringsPushups - hand placement, paralettes, rings, elevated feetKnees to Elbows - rings, bar, toes to bar, skin the catsIf you want to work on a skill, like double unders or muscle-ups, come early or stay later. The warm-up is designed to prepare you for the workout. Please treat it as such.These are a few videos of CrossFitter's warming up. It's the same thing, EVERY TIME:Greg Amundson's Warmup [wmv][mov]Burgener Warm-up [wmv] [mov][caption id="attachment_2875" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Lightweight for Tim"]