I knew I always valued integrity. But it's even higher on my list after the Spartan race last weekend. The announcer at the beginning said "This race is based on the honour system. If you fail an event, do the burpees." And I can't count how many people just skipped them entirely. I overheard one girl yell to one of the volunteers "I can't do them. I have to catch up with my friends". Then why the 'EFF' are you signed up for a Spartan?!And it wasn't just passing on the burpees - so many people weren't even doing anything that resembled a burpee. It looked like a half-rep kickout with no jump. In a timed event, if you don't uphold the integrity of the sport, then don't bother signing up. Don't look around to see if someone is looking so you can pass on the penalty. Just like in the gym and life, doing the right thing when no one is looking tells a lot about you as a person. Missed the target for your last wall ball? Do it again. Found a wallet on the ground? Find the owner and give it back. Easy stuff. "Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." - Oprah Winfrey (yup, I just quoted Oprah)Push Jerks - 3RM50 Wall Balls (20/14# @ 10/9')40 Double Unders (120 Singles)30 KBS (53/35#)20 OH Lunges (45/25#) (these are a 1-count with a plate)10 Box Jumps (20” for everyone!)Compare to Feb.22/10