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CrossFit Moncton


November 17, 2016

Bad Ass Class - round 2

The next edition of the Bad Ass Class is coming up on Dec.7. This time around, we'll be rowing. Whether you think rowing is fun, frustrating or challenging, you'll leave this clinic with a more efficient stroke, making your workouts easier. And you'll probably shed a few pounds of fat too! Registration will open next week. Stay tuned. Deadlifts5 sets of 8*sets only count when they’re above 70%Cashout150 Russian Twists (25/15#)*2-count**Every time your feet touch the floor, or you stop, a 15 second plank is added to the end of the cashout. If you stop 4 times, you’ll have a 1 min plank at the end. Maximum is 3 minutes.Tessy - new mom and back at it!

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