I've been hearing the question lately, "Does CrossFit get easier?" The short answer is no. Why? Just when you think something is easy, there's always a way to make it more difficult. If you find yourself doing 10 pullups on the red band with minimal effort, time to move down to the green band. Air squats are too easy? Add a 20# vest. Elbows higher, squat lower, lift heavier.Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Train just outside of your comfort zone. That's where you become nervous before the session begins. That's what makes you have to pee before the workout. It's what makes you question your sanity and why you pay for this stuff.If it was easy...no sweat and minimal results. It would also be "the other gym".Challenge yourself and reap the rewards! You owe it to yourself and you deserve it!WOD - "Diane"21-15-9 reps of:Deadlifts (225/155)Handstand Pushups