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CrossFit Moncton


February 25, 2013


Paleo Challenge ends on Tuesday! Please be sure to complete your benchmark workouts by Thursday. Winners will be announced on Monday. Also, body comps will be available this Saturday starting at 7:20am. $25 is needed to hold your spot. (If it fills up, we will add Sunday)Member Challenge - Same as last weekSkill of the Week - Rope Climbs1 min AMRAPDouble Unders2 min AMRAP10 Burpees20 Double Unders3 min AMRAP20 KBS (53/35#)10 Burpees20 Double Unders4 min AMRAP10 Hang Power Clean (115/75#)20 KBS10 Burpees20 Double Unders1 min rest between AMRAPs


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